Whosoever had committed irregularities would not be spared at any cost -Manohar Lal.

Chandigarh Nov 26: Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal today made it clear, without naming anyone, that whosoever had committed irregularities would not be spared at any cost.
Mr Manohar Lal, who was replying to the questions of media persons at a press conference at New Delhi today, was asked to comment on the action taken by the State Government in the case of Mr Robert Vadra.
He said that he had never mentioned the name of anyone in any case being investigated by State Vigilance Bureau, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or is in the Court. However, he made it clear that whosoever found guilty in the inquires would not be spared.
On being asked about the major achievements of the State Government during first two years of its tenure, the Chief Minister said that the Government has ensured transparency in governance and have brought a positive change in the system. He added that his government is true to its word.
Referring to the Teachers Transfer Policy implemented by the State Government, the Chief Minister said that it is the first State to effect online transfers of about 32,000 teachers with a single click of button. Out of these, 93 per cent are satisfied with this system. Similarly, the results of the Haryana Civil Service (HCS) interviews were declared within four hours.
In reply to another question, the Chief Minister said that earlier, the power to grant Change of Land Use (CLU) and other licenses was with the Chief Ministers, but he is the first Chief Minister after the year 1991, who restored these powers to the Director, Town and Country Planning Department.
