Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari’s Chandigarh Nagar celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day as Vivekananda Vimarsh Divas

Chandigarh-9 Sept. Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari’s Chandigarh Nagar celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day as Vivekananda Vimarsh Divas in commemoration of World Famous Address of Swami Vivekananda in the world parliament of Religions at Chicago, U.S.A. 123 years ago. While delivering Key Note address Former Parliamentary Secretary, Padam Bhushan Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap traced the importance of justice in India from the times of the Vedas. Preamble of the constitution emphasis equality for all in the constitution. Articles 14 and 15 make way for this and apply to all individuals of the country. He stressed that equality is inimical to arbitrariness. Both equality and equal protection of laws is necessary. As far Gender Justice is concerned, no discrimination can be done on Gender basis. Historically society has generally been male dominated in all parts of the world. But in modern times, particularly in India, special provisions in the constitution e.g. equal pay for equal pay, maternity leave, etc. have been made to protect the women. But still real situation has not improved satisfactorily. Women are still subjected to different kinds of violence. However the judgements concerning temple and Dargaha entry established equality for women and men. Function was presided over by Justice (retd.) S. Jasbir Singh highlighted the contribution of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its various judgements which match the vision of Swami Vivekananda to society and women in particular. He emphasised the equality before law and equal protection before law irrespective of caste, colour, creed and religion. He quoted Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji that Swami Vivekananda is neither a name of a person nor institution but a personified perennial Indian culture. Vivekananda Kendra Punjab Prant Sanchalak Sh. C. S. Talwar, I.A.S. retd. shared various activities of the Kendra which help in spreading Vivekananda’s message of universal acceptance. Since its foundation, Kendra and its members are dedicated to inculcate the feelings of Sacrifice, Positive Patriotism and service to the poor. He explained to the audience the importance of Swami Ji’s Chicago address in changing the course of Indian history. Karyakaram Sanyojak Dr. Nandita Singh briefed the audience about the concept of Vivekananda-Vimarsh. She stressed the need for not only economic equality but also the social and mental quality for women. Stage was conducted by Dr. Devinder Thakur. Vote of Thanks was offered by Advocate General Haryana Sh. Naveen Kaushik Ji. Among the dignitaries present on this occasion were Alka Gauri Punjab Prant Sagathk, S. Amarjit Singh Miglani I.A.S., Sh. Dharam Datt Dharnaitch, I.A.S. retd. Dr. Viney Kapoor, Information Commission, Pb., Dr. Vinay Sophat, Prant Samparak Parmukh, Dy. Adv. General Sandeep Vashisht, Programme Co-ordinator, Adv. Vikram Rao, Adv. Shashi, Sh. Vishal Jain, Prant Parshikshan Pramukh, Smt, Manju Talwar, Dr. Suman Lata Sharma, Sh. Pankaj Jain and many others.
