Demolition Drive in South Jurisdiction of Chandigarh

Demolition Drive in South Jurisdiction


Chandigarh, December 2, 2015:- As per orders of Sh. Kashish Mittal, IAS, Sub Divisional Magistrate (South)-cum-Additional Municipal Commissioner, U.T., Chandigarh, an Enforcement Team and Sanitation Team consisting of officer/officials of the Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh today conducted a demolition drive to remove the illegal hoarding and advertisements in the markets of sector 36 and 42. In all 120 illegal hoardings and advertisements were removed from both the sectors.


Sh. Kashish Mittal, IAS, Sub Divisional Magistrate (South)-cum-Additional Municipal Commissioner, U.T., Chandigarh, said, “Such demolition drives will be taken up in the entire city to make sure that law is maintained in our city. Our drives are setting awakening alarms for wrong doers”.   Sh. Kashish Mittal, IAS also mentioned that such drive would continue in days to come.

