RK Chaudhry, AETC UT Chandigarh welcomed for joining Excise & Taxation Department, UT Chandigarh.

Chandigarh 23 Nove,A delegation of Chandigarh Business Council (Regd), comprising senior funactionaries S/Shri Neeraj Bajaj, JC Arora, LC Arora, JPS Kalra, HS Gujral, Subhash Sethi, Sat Pal Garg, Ashwani Khanna, Baldev Aggarwal, Ajay Bansal etc. met Shri RK Chaudhry, AETC UT Chandigarh to welcome him for joining Excise & Taxation Department, UT Chandigarh.

The members of CBC apprised Shri Chaudhry many GST related problems and confusions being faced by Traders of Chandigarh.  While appreciating the gesture of CBC, the officers promised to look after the difficulties and solve the same at earliest possible.  It was brought to the notice that about 1600 VAT Dealers have yet not migrated to GST regime which should be done on priority.  The Department has liberally extended time period to file GSTR 3B2 monthly tax return for the period JUL to Sept 17 on priority basis to avoid delayed penalty.  The Traders are advised either to migrate or get their VAT No. cancelled, which is mandatory. On our suggestion department has already started  process to inform the Traders thru their E-mail.

The Traders are  advised to apply for pending C Form for the period prior to introduction of GST and in case they feel any difficulty, in any form, they are open to approach CBC for suitable solution.

The meeting was  held in very cordial atmosphere and such meetings will be regular features to sort out day to day problems of traders of Chandigarh.
