Chandigarh State AIDS Control Society collaborated with Department of Forest and Wild life, UT, Chandigarh for creating HIV/AIDS awareness.

Chandigarh 3rd October 2017: Chandigarh State AIDS Control Society collaborated with Department of Forest and Wild life, UT, Chandigarh for creating HIV/AIDS awareness.
Activities were taken up to make the participants of Nature and Wild Life trekking aware about HIV/AIDS modes of transmission and prevention. More than 1000 people participated in this awareness walk. On this 9 km trekking route messages were framed and were put up in a way that the beauty of the wild file is not disturbed in any way. Participants were sensitized about the facilities available in the field of HIV/AIDS in the city; even the toll free HIV/AIDS helpline number was published.
A Street Play was also performed making the participants aware about HIV/AIDS and motivating them for Voluntary Blood Donation. A Quiz was also organized where participants were asked questions about HIV/AIDS, Voluntary Blood Donation, Drug Abuse and Facilities being provided by Govt. In the field of HIV, it also included questions on Wild Life. This activity not only creates awareness but also help people to generate knowledge about the Health facilities available in the city.
