Cleanliness Drive in Ramdarbar and Hallo Majra bySant Nirankari Charitable Foundation.

Chandigarh, Chandigarh-24 September, 2017: With the blessings of Satguru Mata SavinderHardev Ji Maharaj, Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation, Delhi, with the cooperation fromChandigarh Municipal Corpation, Hundreds of Sewadal members and devotees from Sector30 and 45 areas, organised Cleanliness Drive in Ramdarbar and Hallo Majra, today.Cleanliness is such a thing that should become a part of everyone’s lives, whether itis cleanliness of the home, community, sector, or city, as it is not a favour to anyone but aduty of every citizen. Clean environment keeps our minds and bodies healthy and that iswhy man should never compromise on cleanliness. Keeping this in mind, Sant NirankariCharitable Foundation has been regularly organising cleanliness drives not only inChandigarh but several other cities in India, and cleaning railway stations as part of thedrive.Also present on this occasion were Shri Navneet Pathak Ji, Sanyojak along withSewadal Adhikaris with the sewadal members of their respective areas.
